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Tina Crawford

Embroidery Artist

Tina Crawford

Embroidery Artist

I was diagnosed last year of my jewellery course at Central St Martins, I planned to leave because the thought of a dissertation was hell, I went to art college to avoid writing! I was tested for dyslexia and turns out I was, years of thinking I was just thick didn’t disappear with a reason though!

The way I work is typically dyslexic, I’m a free embroidery artist which means I draw with the sewing machine. I don’t mark or draw beforehand, in fact not much planning (dyslexic trait) the needle goes in and I draw. I couldn’t do what I do without my dyslexic brain and am very grateful for it.

I used to work in television, a researcher and assistant producer I loved the creative side, ideas, talking to people but my organisational skills are dreadful! I knew things could get done I just couldn’t give you a breakdown of how. It probably came across as lazy but I found it so hard having to account for how something would work.

Due to illness, I was pushed to leave and 12 years ago started working for myself as an artist, same problem - love the creative work but management...? No! But I have something unique, I work in a way that few or none can I see things in a way that neurotypicals can’t. This is a gift.  

My clients include St Pauls Cathedral, The Globe, Soho House, the Museum of London, English Heritage, Hermès, John Lewis and Kew Gardens. I’ve battled through the business side and, yes I’ve made huge mistakes as a result of my dyslexia but the one constant has been my artwork.

I was in denial about my dyslexia up until only a few years ago, I like others, saw it as a problem with reading I had no idea about the other effects because I didn’t see it that my brain was just different- not worse. Anyone that has a non-typical brain should see it as a gift, yes some things that other people think or do are difficult for you to do but concentrate on what your brain can do, the way you think is very special.


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