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Jane Sedgwick

Tutor and Lecturer

Jane Sedgwick

Tutor and Lecturer 

Knowing that I had ADHD meant I could learn more about ADHD, understand my quirkiness a lot more and help others understand my eccentricities. My life changed by way of having a better understanding of myself, now I knew - what that was all about. Knowledge is the power I suppose. I stopped feeling guilty, stopped blaming myself, stopped trying to be normal. 

Society judges us by our gender/sex and assumes all our problems are hormonal, therefore we couldn’t possibly have ADHD or ASD, we are only allowed to be anxious, depressed, traumatized and hysterical. 

I have worked with more women in comparison to men, and they resonate my experience. Women of color seem to have an additional stigma to deal with, on top of our ADHD, we are viewed as more dysregulated, when in fact, we are being resilient. Women with ADHD are resilient and many strive to achieve their full potential - as a stay at homes through to high flying career birds - we strive to rise above the sky.


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